Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why Cyber Monday is Better than Black Friday

(Houston Press) To bastardize a line from Groundhog Day, "Well, it's Black Friday...again." It's that oh-so-magical time of year when the strong walk away from predawn shopping trips with armfuls of electronic goodies while the weak get treated by EMS for boot marks left by shoppers stampeding into Best Buy.
Since 2005, the nerdy cousin to Black Friday has been Cyber Monday. Normally scheduled for the Monday after Thanksgiving, it is the day when online retailers take their shot at office workers still hungover from the long weekend and not quite ready to rejoin their fellow employees mentally.

In the case of retailers, they need it to extend what has become a kind of pathetic annual ritual for consumers. But, at least Cyber Monday has a nerdy bent to it, because we all like us some geeks, right? In honor of this most crass of holidays, I give you the five reasons Cyber Monday is better than Black Friday.

5. There are no crowds.
Let me get the obvious out of the way right off the bat. More to the point, there are no stinky, biting, stabbing, punching, angry mobs tired from lack of sleep but wired from coffee and Red Bull. And there's no traffic in your house, unless you count your children or your cats, which is just sad.

4. Some deals start as early as November 7.
Seriously, Staples, one of the first really big box retailers to truly embrace online holiday sales, starts their deals on November 7. Plus, there are all sorts of sites for getting deals like Groupon, Living Social, Woot and even our own Voice Daily Deals. Why sit outside a Best Buy in a tent for a week when you can just get the stuff you'll never use anyway in October?

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