Sunday, November 27, 2011

5 Signs You're Living a Financial Lie

(Parentables) I'm not a regular Oprah viewer - which is more a reflection of how much free time I have than how I feel about the woman personally - but I do have a good friend who is in love with Oprah's current Life Class series. She brought to my attention a recent life lesson that focused on people who are living financial lies. According to Oprah and special guest Suze Orman (and me), you can't be happy if you're living a financial lie.

What's a financial lie? Basically, a financial lie is when you're living a life that doesn't line up with your actual finances. The episode focused on people who were tens of thousands of dollars in debt and still shopping or families who lived in houses that didn't match up with their income. It's easy to see someone on TV and recognize their financial lies, but many of us don't notice when it's happening in our own households. My husband and I managed to live beyond our means for years without any serious short term consequences - no one shut off the lights or showed up at work, and our bills were always paid - but on some level we always knew that we were waiting for the shoe to drop.

Are you living a financial lie? Is keeping the facade going preventing you from finding peace, happiness, and long term security? Here are 5 of the most common signs that you need to rethink your spending habits. Read More...