Saturday, December 17, 2011

Russia Seizes Radioactive Material Headed to Iran

(USA Today) AP - Russia's customs agency announced Friday it has seized pieces of radioactive metal from the luggage of an Iranian passenger bound for Tehran from one of Moscow's main airports.
It was not immediately clear if the substance could be any use to Iran's controversial nuclear program.
Federal Customs Service agents found 18 pieces of metal, packed in pencil cases, at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport after a radiation alert went off, the agency said in a statement. It said the gauges showed that radiation levels were 20 times higher than normal.
Spokeswoman Kseniya Grebenkina told the Associated Press the luggage was seized some time ago, but did not specify when. The Iranian wasn't detained, she said, and it was not clear whether he was still in Russia or not. She did not give his name.The pieces contained Sodium-22, she said, a radioactive isotope of sodium that could be produced in a particle accelerator.

Kelly Classic, a health physicist at the United States' renowned Mayo Clinic, said: "You can't make a nuclear bomb or dirty bomb with it."
"You'd certainly wonder where it came from and why," Classic told the Associated Press. "It's prudent to be a little leery considering where the person's going."
Grebenkina said prosecutors have launched a probe into the incident but insisted that the material seized is not highly radioactive.

Read full story at USA Today...