Sunday, December 4, 2011

Legless Man Denied Wheelchair

( A man from Nyköping in eastern Sweden has been denied a power wheelchair despite having had both of his legs amputated as the local health authority remained "uncertain if the impairment was permanent".

“I was bitterly disappointed in the local authorities. I don’t feel I got the support I deserve,” Evert Stefansson told The Local.

Evert Stefansson had struggled with his health for a long time. As a long-suffering diabetic his kidneys have taken a beating, as has his eyesight.

About a year ago, his condition took a turn for the worse when his toe suddenly went black.

He was rushed to hospital where they had no other choice than to amputate his leg. Within a year, they had to take his other leg too.

Since then Evert has experienced some difficulty in getting about.

He might be able to walk short distances again with prosthetic legs, but that will take up to a year, according to his wife Siv.

Siv, also on early retirement due to a bad back, told The Local how she is forced to help her husband with everything and how he remains completely dependent on her.

In order to regain some of his independence, Stefansson applied for a so-called Permobile, a power wheelchair, that he could manoeuvre himself.

Read full story at The Local...